Yes, you can get payments in any of the following currencies:
- EUR (Euro)
- GBP (British Pound)
- USD (US Dollar)
- ZAR (South African Rand).
However, you can only get payments in the currency that matches the native currency of your receiving account. The reason for this is that we don't offer conversion rates when you receive money into your accounts.
For example:
You can only receive South African Rands sent from overseas into your Rand account. You can't receive US Dollars sent to you into your Rand account, meaning you can't receive US Dollars that we have to convert to Rands into your credit card or transaction account.
You can only receive US Dollars sent to you from overseas into your US Dollar Account. You can't receive British Pounds sent to you into your US Dollar Account, meaning you can't receive British Pounds that we have to convert to US Dollars.
Once you have received the money into your foreign currency account, you can always use the rate conversion function in the Banking app to convert your foreign currencies to Rands at any time and at an exchange rate that is favourable to you.
If you get a payment in a currency that doesn't match the native currency of your account, it will unfortunately be rejected.