Fixed Annuities

A fixed annuity gives you peace of mind because you know what your income will be in retirement, and you'll be able to secure your financial future with an income for the rest of your life. The different sources of money you can use to buy a fixed annuity are pension funds, provident funds, preservation funds, retirement annuities or transfers from living annuities.


Features of a fixed annuity

You can choose to have a guaranteed term, which ensures that if you die within the first few years of the annuity, your dependants or estate will continue to receive the income.

You can choose a single-life or joint-life annuity.

At the start of the investment, you can choose the rate you want your income to increase by on each anniversary of the fixed annuity.

Income payments (annuities) are taxed as gross income.

Get peace of mind with our Fixed Annuity

There is a minimum investment amount for our Fixed Annuity retirement income plan.

Minimum investment amount



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Is retirement around the corner for you? You may have visions of long days lazing on the beach, or maybe you're counting down the months before you launch yourself into a new venture or passion project. Whatever your plans are, it's important to realise that even if you're no longer working fulltime, it's still essential to save for an income.

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