Carry-over savings from MSA

You contribute 10% of your total monthly contribution into a Medical Savings Account (MSA). For example, if your total Fund contribution is R1,000, an amount of R100 (10% of R1,000) goes to your MSA and R900 goes to the pool of money from which the Fund pays risk claims.

If you have a positive MSA balance, we add monthly interest on that amount.

If you resign from the Fund, the Fund will keep the money in your MSA for four months to pay any outstanding healthcare claims that were incurred before your resignation. We will pay any positive MSA balance to you in the 5th month after your resignation, or the balance will be transferred to your new medical scheme (if you have an MSA benefit at the new scheme).

When your membership ends, the Fund may use the money that is left in your MSA to pay off any debt you owe to the Fund. This may include outstanding contributions.

On 1 January of each year, the Fund makes an upfront amount, equal to 12 months' worth of your MSA contributions available to you to use in advance. If you resign from the Fund during the year, and you have used more from your advanced MSA than you have contributed, you will have to repay the difference that you have overspent to the Fund.

Payments from the MSA will be made at 100% of the Fund rate, subject to funds being available at the date on which a claim is processed.

If you have money available in your MSA at the end of the financial year (31 December), that money will be carried over to the next year.

If you die, your MSA balance will be transferred to your dependants if they decide to continue membership of the Fund. If you don't have dependants, the money will be paid to your Estate.

If you pay cash for any healthcare services, remember to submit the claim with the receipt as proof of payment. Use the correct contact details of the Fund, as provided in this Member Guide, or as communicated by the Fund from time to time. You will be reimbursed at the relevant Fund rate (refer to the Benefit Schedule for details) and you may request the Fund to pay differences between claimed amounts and benefit amounts from your Accumulated Medical Savings Account (AMSA)

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