Recovering at home after outpatient spine surgery

Back pain is one of the most common medical conditions experienced by members. Appropriate out of hospital conservative management of back pain has proven to deliver good outcomes and could prevent the need for surgery. However, some conditions may still need surgery to correct the spinal issues that cause neck and back pain. Your surgical team will advise you on the best course of treatment.

Once you are home from your outpatient spine surgery, you must focus on the important aspects of your recovery. Recovery after surgery is never easy, but putting in the extra effort can make your recovery smoother and get you back to your normal activities sooner. We've put together some tips to help you heal well after surgery.

Pain management

Make sure you take your prescribed pain medicines as directed by your doctor. Do not take more pain medicine than instructed. If your pain is not controlled well enough by your prescribed medicine, speak to your surgeon to adjust your medicine. Remember to request refills on time so you are not left without medicine to relieve your pain.

Besides medicine, other pain relief treatments include gentle exercise, getting a massage, short rest periods and frequent re-positioning. You can also try moist heat but remember not to put it directly on an unhealed incision.

Your surgeon might also prescribe a back brace for your recovery. The brace is designed to support your neck or back and limit movement of the spinal levels fused during surgery. Make sure you wear it as instructed by your surgeon.

Healthy eating

Maintaining a healthy diet is always important, and it is even more important after intense medical treatment like surgery. Eating well is essential for successful recovery as your body needs nutrients to help it get strong again. It will also help keep your weight under control after your recovery is over.

Maintain low-fat, balanced diet, rich in fresh fruit and vegetables. Because you will be less active during your recovery, avoid heavy, high calorie and fatty foods.

Light exercise

Daily exercise is important for recovery. It will help you build strength and maintain muscle tone. Although you cannot engage in strenuous activity, try to take short walks as often as you can. Gradually increase your distance each day. Talk to your surgeon about whether you can walk up or down stairs.

Avoid activities that require bending, twisting, heavy lifting, or pushing and pulling objects. Do not stand or sit for too long. If your surgery involved a spinal fusion, avoid lifting objects above your head until the fusion is fully healed.

Follow your doctor's orders

Keep in mind that the best advice is to closely follow the surgeon's orders for a safe and speedy recovery. Ask your doctor for advice on how to sit comfortably and lie in bed after your surgery. They should also give you instructions on when and how to bathe.

Notify your surgeon immediately if you have any side effects. Keep a lookout for side effects like fever or chills, night sweats, persistent drainage from your incision, opening of your incision, new onset or worsening pain or weakness, chest pain or shortness of breath, calf pain, or sudden loss of bowel or bladder function.

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