Does your child still qualify for cover as a child dependant

Remedi’s rules define a child dependant as a child under the age of 21 years. When your child turns 21, they may no longer qualify for cover at the contribution rate for child dependants.

Only under specific conditions, can a person who is 21 years old or older stay on your membership as a child dependant. If the conditions do not apply to your child, they must be registered as an adult dependant or they may no longer qualify to be registered on Remedi. This means you will have to consider alternative options for your child's medical cover.

Specific conditions Membership status
If your child is a student between 21 and 26 years and earns less than R8 000 each month They qualify to stay on Remedi as a child dependant.
If your child is disabled They qualify to stay on Remedi as a child dependant for as long as the membership remains active.
If your child is financially dependent on you and earns less than R8 000 each month They qualify to stay on Remedi as an adult dependant for as long as the membership remains active.
If your child earns more than R8 000 each month They no longer qualify to stay on your Remedi membership as a dependant.

Please note: If your grandchild is a dependant on your membership, we will withdraw them if their biological parent does not meet Remedi’s eligibility criteria.

We need documents to determine your child's dependency status

You must give us the necessary documents to determine your child's dependency status:

  • If your child is a student, or busy with practical training as part of their qualification, you must give us proof of registration from a tertiary institution as well as proof of financial dependency. You need to give us:
    • A registration certificate (not a student card)
    • Three months’ bank statements of your child’s bank account or three months’ salary slips, or an affidavit confirming that the dependant is unemployed and does not have a bank account
  • If your child is mentally or physically disabled, or both, we need proof that the child is receiving a disability pension, or a report from the treating doctor or specialist stating the child's condition.
  • If the dependant is unemployed or financially dependent on you, you must submit an affidavit in support of this — from the main member — together with the dependant's three most recent months' bank statements.

Contributions for an adult dependant are higher than those payable for a child dependant. For that reason, you may have to pay more to Remedi from the date when we change the dependant’s status.

If you have any questions or if you have a child dependant who will be turning 21 soon, please contact Remedi at 0860 116 116.