Results of the 2017 Remedi Member Survey

Every second year, Remedi conducts a member survey in order to:

  • Determine the overall satisfaction of Remedi members
  • Measure member usage, understanding and perception of Service Provider Networks (SPNs)
  • Understand member consideration for network and medical aid option changes
  • Determine member satisfaction with the overall Remedi benefit offering, as well as specific benefits
  • Check members’ awareness, usage and knowledge of coverage for Preventative Care Benefits (PCBs)
  • Determine members’ overall satisfaction with administrative services and gain insight into areas of improvement
  • Understand members’ needs in terms of the various communications mediums available to them
  • Determine members’ overall satisfaction with the quality of the Contact Centre
  • Evaluate the awareness and value perception of Remedi’s wellness programme
  • Determine members’ overall perception towards Remedi in comparison to other medical aid schemes
  • Identify key areas where Remedi can improve its service(s)

Below are the results:






Overall Satisfaction





Satisfaction with Administrator





Loyalty – Prefer Remedi










Cover your Healthcare needs






Overall satisfaction 

The results show that overall satisfaction with Remedi has increased significantly across the years, driven by the steady increase in members indicating that they are very happy with the Scheme. In 2013, only 22% of members reported being very happy. By 2017, this has increased to 47%.

This year, 80% of members reported being happy or very happy with the Scheme overall.

Satisfaction with administrative services

We’re pleased to report that the satisfaction with Remedi’s administrative services has increased significantly across the years due to an increase in members indicating that they are very happy with the service they have received. In 2013, only 29% of members reported being very happy, but by 2017 this has increased to 54%.


Remedi performs well across the three key loyalty statements. Members’ self-reported loyalty, faithfulness and commitment towards Remedi has increased from 82% to 88% in 2017.

A preference for Remedi also increased significantly across the years by 15%. In 2017, 84% of members agree that Remedi is the Scheme you prefer to stay on over all the others they know.

Interestingly, an overwhelming majority of members have agreed in past years that it is important to be on a medical aid. However, those who strongly agreed with this statement decreased by 14% this year from 2015. This indicates that some members are now less inclined to think that medical aid is crucial.


Overall Remedi is seen to offer a favourable cost-to-benefit ratio. Similar to previous years, in 2017 more than three quarters (76%) of members agreed that Remedi is affordable.

Satisfaction with benefit offering 

The majority of members agreed that Remedi fully covers their healthcare needs (81%) and is good value for money (84%). Both statements showed significant increases from previous years.

Nearly three quarters (74%) of members were happy or very happy with the Remedi benefit offering. Similar to overall satisfaction, satisfaction with the benefit offering appears to increase as the options become more comprehensive in the cover they offer; members on the Comprehensive option (51%) were significantly happier than those on the Standard option (33%).

According to the few (10%) members dissatisfied with the offering, the top three issues members want to address are out-of-pocket payments, a concern that benefits are too little, and the complaint that certain medications and procedures are not covered.

Ways Remedi can improve

According to the survey, 71% of members indicated that they had no suggestions for improvements, and another 3% indicated they were happy with Remedi.

Among those who did offer suggestions, most members recommended improving customer service and communication, as well as day-to-day benefits (both at 5%).