Healthcare in your hands from home

Did you know as a member of TFG Medical Aid Scheme you have seamless access to your doctors through online consultations. For many of us, having an online consultation with a doctor is a new experience. As you might not know what to expect, here we give you more information about online consultations, how they work and how you can get the most out of the experience

To ensure your access to high-quality online doctor consultations, Connected Care, a platform through which to access integrated online healthcare. Connected Care gives you benefits, services and connected digital capabilities to help you manage your health and wellness at home.

1. What is an online consultation?

Online consultations aim to help you get the healthcare you need without having to leave your home to see a doctor. This sort of doctor consultation makes life easier both in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic - and in general.

For years, video technologies have been helping doctors to connect with patients located in remote communities without good healthcare services in place, allowing them. In this way people who would not have had access to medical experts, or who would have had to travel very far to reach them, could still consult with them digitally.

2. When is an online consultation right for you?

An online consultation can work well when you:

  • Have a minor illness, such as sore throat, a rash or minor sprains
  • Want to check in with the doctor about your chronic illness
  • Want to tell your doctor how you are doing with the new medicine or therapy they prescribed

3. How to Prepare

To have a proper, useful and private consultation, you need a quiet space. You will also need the technology to make it work:

  • A device:
    • A mobile device, such as a smartphone or tablet
    • A laptop or desktop computer with camera functionality
    • working speakers and a microphone (or a headset
  • A reliable internet connection (preferably Wi-Fi)
  • An access point, such as the Connected Care platform link
  • Check that you have enough data

4. How to prepare for an online medical appointment

Just as with an in-person visit with your healthcare team, you'll get more out of every minute if you plan ahead.

  • Access the required software, such as Connected Care well before your medical appointment.
  • Check your camera and set it at eye level to make it easy for your doctor to see and talk with you.
  • Make sure your device has working speakers and a microphone (or a headset).
  • Check that you have enough battery power before you start your appointment.
  • Compile a list of your medicine and supplements.

5. During the online medical appointment

  • Tell the doctor about the reason for your consultation, including any new or changed symptoms.
  • Make sure to let your doctor know if there's another person in the room during your appointment. It is fine to have someone there to help you remember the conversation.
  • Ask about the best way to reach them if you have questions, unexpected side effects or worsening symptoms after the consultation.

6. After the online medical appointment

  • Writing down what the doctor said while the information is still fresh.
  • Follow up as the doctor requested. That might mean:
    • Taking medicine
    • Booking another online consultation
    • Booking an in-person visit
    • Going for blood tests, imaging tests or a physical exam
  • Always follow up with your doctor if anything changes (such as worsening symptoms) or if you have questions.

So, stay safe, stay connected from home.