Replace your resolutions with small, effective habits that last

How many times have you made a new year's resolution to get healthy that didn't even last a month? You’re not alone. According to behavioural economists, it takes a lot more than just sheer willpower to reach those goals.

Here are a few ideas on how to start making small changes to instill healthy habits:

Find a starting point

Schedule your family's health screenings and health checks for the year. Understanding your family's health status gives you insight into what you may need to change.

Add a few healthier options to your meals

  • Little by little, start adding more fresh fruit and vegetables, wholegrains and lean protein to your diet.
  • Focus on reducing your salt and sugar intake over time.
  • If you need a specialised diet because of a condition you have, visit a dietitian to make sure you still look after your condition while still getting the nutrition you need and improving your diet.
  • If you feel like you need a bit more support, have a look at joining a group like Weigh-Less.

Ideas to get starting with exercise

Making daily exercise part of your life can reduce your risk of obesity and developing chronic diseases like diabetes or high blood pressure.

  • Depending on your current fitness level, you may want to start with adding a walk or a few shorter walks to your day. Use your tea break at work, for example, to take the longer way around to the coffee station. Gradually increase the distance and intensity of your walks over time.
  • If you’re already exercising regularly or somewhat fit, but stuck in an exercise rut, why not try a fitness activity you’ve not tried before or take your exercise outdoors? You can, for example, take to your local Parkrun, try tennis or go for a demo session at your nearest cross trainer.
  • Setting a personal goal makes reaching your resolutions easier. For example, if you like running, you can choose an upcoming race that you can comfortably enter in a few months' time. Then find an easy-to-follow beginner exercise programme that will get you ready for the event you chose. 
  • Remember to also not overdo it – make time for rest days in between your exercise days.

Eating healthily, sticking to your exercise regime and practicing good hygiene can help you boost your immune system and if you do get sick, to get back on your feet quicker.