Keep an eye on your health in 2021 with your Prevention and Screening Benefits

In 2020, COVID-19 disrupted our usual way of life with hard lockdowns, new hygiene habits and, later, promises of a 'new normal'. With the lockdown restrictions and the virus, many people avoided doctors, hospitals and pharmacies, and didn't have their yearly health checks.

This means that your body could have had an extra year to hide the early signs of potentially serious medical conditions. The only way to know is to go for preventive screenings. Keep in mind that the earlier you detect problems, the better treatment works.

Have a health check each year?

We believe that everyone should go for basic yearly screenings to at least check your:

  • Blood sugar
  • Blood pressure
  • Cholesterol
  • Body mass index (BMI)

You can have an HIV test done at the same time.

These screenings can show you if you're at risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol or other conditions that can lead to heart disease or even a stroke. You need to know these measurements since they're often the first signs that you're developing a condition. With tests, you can catch this long before you start showing symptoms.

We pay for one health check a year for each member from your Prevention and Screening Benefit as long as you have them all done at the same time at a wellness healthcare provider. You can also do the screening tests at an employee wellness day at your employer, and your employer will send you the dates and times of these events when they will be hosted again.

More cover for screening tests and preventive care

We cover a range of screening tests based on our members' sex, age and chronic conditions.

Screening tests for adults

There are limits to how often we pay for screening tests. You also have cover for the following screening tests for adults from the Prevention and Screening Benefit:

  • Mammogram: one every two years for females
  • Pap smear: once a year for females instead of a human papillomavirus (HPV) test
  • HPV test: one every five years for females who are HIV negative, or one every three years for females who are HIV positive
  • Prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test: one a year for males
  • Seasonal flu vaccine: one a year for members older than 65 years or members who are registered for certain chronic conditions

We pay for these tests at up to TFGMAS Rate. This means that if you get the test or vaccine from a network provider, we pay for it in full and you won't have to pay in. Consultations will be funded from the available consultations benefit.

Screening for people 65 years or older

We also offer cover for specific tests for members who are 65 years or older in our pharmacy network:

  • Hearing
  • Visual screening
  • Falls risk assessment

Depending on the screening results, these members also have cover for a GP consultation in the Premier Plus GP Network.

For more information on your benefits and cover, visit or read your 2021 Benefit Brochure, which is available on the TFGMAS website at