COVID-19: Keep safe while you shop

By now, we all know the basics of what we need to do to keep ourselves safe from COVID-19. But are the basics enough to keep us safe while shopping? What can you do except: wear a fabric face mask that covers your nose and mouth, stay at least 1.5 metres away from other people, and regularly wash your hands?

Limit how long you shop

Getting groceries is essential, but so is staying away from large groups of people as much as you can. Check if your supermarket does deliveries or if you can buy your groceries online and collect them. You can also go shopping at times when the shops are less busy.

When you have to go to the shops, plan ahead. Make a shopping list so you can get everything you need in one trip and don’t have to go shopping too often. Having a shopping list will also help you to get in and out of the supermarket faster. And if you feel sick, stay at home!

Protect yourself at the shops

Before you start shopping:

  • Carry hand sanitiser (at least 60% alcohol) with you and sanitise your hands before you go in to the shop and again when you leave.
  • Wipe down the handles of the grocery basket or shopping trolley before you start using it. Use a disinfectant wipe (some stores have their own at the entrance).

While you shop:

  • Do not touch your face or your mask.
  • Only touch things you plan to buy.
  • If you can, pay by tapping your card instead of using cash or giving your card to the cashier to swipe. If you have to touch something like a keypad, sanitise your hands afterwards.

Unpacking your groceries safely at home

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “the risk of infection from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, from food products, food packaging, or bags is thought to be low. However, it is always important to follow good food safety practices.”

Here’s how to keep safe while putting away groceries:

  • Put your groceries on the floor instead of on a table or a countertop.
  • Wash your hands.
  • Do not use disinfectants or household cleaners like bleach or ammonia on fresh fruit and vegetables, cardboard food boxes or food wrapped in plastic.
  • You can throw away the outside packaging from some products.
  • Once you’ve packed away the groceries, wash your hands again.
  • Clean your phone if you took it with you to the shops.
  • Regularly clean and disinfect your kitchen counters.

While we can’t put off getting essentials, these essential shopping tips can help protect you from COVID-19.