Marsh Plan Guide updates

We have clarified some of the covers, benefits and clauses contained in the Marsh Plan Guide as well as outlined the new cover and benefits that you will have access to. Our new benefits are already live, with all other changes effective from 1 November 2022.

The plan wording should be read alongside the following three documents:

  1. The Benefit Limit Annexure
  2. Excess Annexure
  3. Your Plan Schedule.

The following new benefits are now available:

  • Section 7.7.3 Retail value booster (motor vehicle, comprehensive option only)

    This optional benefit has been enhanced to include an additional booster percentage option. If this benefit has been selected and a total loss event occurs, we will pay the retail value of the vehicle plus the selected booster percentage of either 15% or 25% to help you hedge against rising vehicle costs.

  • Section 11.1 What can be insured?

    Watercraft accessories and watercraft trailers can now be insured under this section. The length of the boat insured has changed from eight to nine metres and you cannot insure any boat that is more than nine metres in length or can exceed 110 kph on water. The watercraft may only be used within a maximum of 12 nautical miles in coastal waters.

  • Section 11.2 What is covered?

    You must insure watercraft accessories that exceed the limit as shown in the Benefit Limit Annexure under the Portable possessions section of your Plan.

  • Section 11.2.3 Water skier's liability

    You will now be covered for water skier's liability, including cover for death or bodily injury of, and loss of or damage to property in connection with the person engaged in water-skiing. Please see the relevant section for the full details around this cover.

  • Section 11.2.4 Trailer liability

    Watercraft trailers will now be covered under watercraft section rather than under the motor section. Existing trailers covered under the trailers section will remain covered there.

  • Section 11.6 Trauma cover

    This cover is now available and we will cover you, your family and domestic staff members for professional counselling after a traumatic incident up to the amount as shown in the Benefit Limit Annexure.

  • Section 11.8 What is not covered? (Additional points have been added to this section)

    You will not have cover for:

    • Loss or damage if all regulations, including municipal bylaws, are not complied with, if the watercraft is being used
    • In the Cabo Delgado province (in Mozambique) and Zambia and for use longer than four continuous weeks at any given time.

Further updates

In addition, the following updates have been made to the Plan Guide and will be effective from 1 November 2022:

Important definitions
  • Fixed inverters have been added to the definition for Buildings.
  • Watercraft trailer and watercraft accessories have been added to the definition for Watercraft.
  • Watercraft trailers will no longer be listed under the definition of Trailer in the motor section. Existing trailers covered under the trailer section will remain covered.
Important conditions
  • Section 5.24 - Premium refund following any claim

    This has been added to this section. If we pay for an item following a claim where the item is a total loss, we will not refund any premium for the remainder of the cover period for that item.

  • Section 5.33 - Territorial limits

    These limits for watercraft-related claims in Zambia has been removed from the list.

  • Section 5.34 Time period for repairs and replacements

    Has been adjusted to include, if the repairs or replacements are not completed within 12 months of claim intimation date, due to no fault of Discovery Insure or providers of Discovery Insure, the claim will be closed and we will not be liable for any costs linked to the claim.

  • Section 7.11 Licence conversion

    The time frame has changed from 12 months to 5 years for a licence holder (when they become a permanent resident or citizen) to convert the licence to a South African driving licence.

Household contents
  • Section 8.3.2 Accidental damage to television sets and glass

    Power surge was added to the list of exclusions in this section. We will therefore no longer automatically cover you for accidental damage to these items because of power surge. Instead, you can purchase optional accidental damage and power surge cover to ensure that your items are fully covered for this peril.

  • Section 8.3.5 Fridge and freezer contents

    We will not cover loss or damage due to failure by the electricity or gas supplier to provide you with power or gas for any reason.

Portable possessions
  • Section 10.6.1

    Motorised hang and motorised paragliders have been added to the list of excluded items. You will also not be covered for loss or damage while drones are in use.

Events not covered
  • Section 13.9 Grid failure

    This section has been added and states that we will not cover loss, damage or consequential loss caused by a blackout or scheduled lack of power supply for more than 12 consecutive hours.

  • Section 13.10 General events and causes

    A new point has been added under this section: "Any financial loss, damage arising where you are subjected to any scams, fraud and theft under false pretenses."

Car hire rentals

Effective from 1 November 2022, AVIS car rental deposits will be R2,000 with credit card payment or R2,500 with cash payment. Refer to Section 7.3.1 for more detail on the Car hire benefit.

For more information, download the Plan Guide, Excess Annexure and Benefit Limit Annexure.

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