Remedi member survey results 2023 conducted by Greenfields Research
In continuing to ensure that our members registered with Remedi are satisfied with their medical cover, we conduct a member survey every second year. We have found that, on average, the results continue to report an overall satisfactory percentile of close to 80%, which we are comfortable and happy with. In this article, we will elaborate on the purpose of the survey as well as discuss the survey results in comparison to previous years.
The purpose of the survey is to:
- Determine the overall satisfaction and commitment of Remedi members
- Establish members' awareness, use and knowledge of cover for Preventative Care Benefits
- Measure member usage, understanding and perception of Service Provider Networks (SPN)
- Understand member consideration for network and medical aid option changes
- Determine member satisfaction with the overall Remedi benefit offering, as well as specific benefits and the importance thereof
- Determine members' overall satisfaction with administrative services and gain insight into areas that can be improved
- Understand members' needs in terms of the various communications mediums available to them and preferences in this regard
- Determine members' overall satisfaction with the quality of the call centre and gaining insight into areas of improvement
- Evaluate the awareness and value perception of Remedi's wellness programme
- Determine the strength of Remedi's Brand in comparison to other medical aid schemes
- Understand key areas where Remedi can improve its services.
The results for 2023 were overall satisfactory
Below are some of the key results and how Remedi and its administrator, Discovery Health, tracked from 2013 to date. Although the indicators are down versus 2021, all indicators are positive versus periods prior to COVID-19.
2023 | 2021* | 2019 | 2017 | 2015 | 2013 | |
Overall satisfaction | 79% | 86% | 75% | 80% | 76% | 73% |
Remedi is affordable | 80% | 85% | 67% | 76% | 76% | 71% |
Remedi fully covers your healthcare needs | 80% | 90% | 72% | 81% | 72% | 63% |
Satisfaction with administrator | 86% | 88% | 79% | 87% | 81% | 73% |
Sample size (respondents) | 1,844 | 1,827 | 1,271 | 1,244 | 990 | 1,022 |
* 2021: COVID-19
The results show that overall satisfaction with Remedi has decreased slightly from 2021, although the trend shows increased satisfaction since 2013.
- This year, 79% of respondents reported being happy or very happy with Remedi overall, which is a slight reduction of 7% from the 86% reported in 2021 and compare well with industry satisfaction levels at 75% (Reference: Network 24).
- There was a slight decrease in respondents believing that Remedi is more affordable in 2023 than in 2021 dropping from 85% to 80%.
- Less respondents also believed that Remedi does cover their healthcare needs more so than in previous years with a drop from 90% in 2021 to 80% in 2023 reported. The indicator is still positive compared to 2019 and years prior to COVID.
- There was a significant increase in the use of network service providers according to the respondents results reporting an increase from 47% in 2019, to 78% in 2021, to 84% in 2023. These results are very pleasing to the trustees and confirm that there is more value and less out-of-pocket expenditure experienced by members when using network service providers.
Respondents confirmed that members continue to see value in these networks and believe that it assists in smaller premium increases, saves them money and, more importantly, they experience networks of high quality with respect to service delivery. - We are also pleased to report that overall satisfaction in the administration services remains above the 80% percentile reporting 86% of respondents being very happy or happy with administration services against 88% reported in 2021.
Of the respondents 79% were happy or very happy with the quality of services received from the call centre staff. Satisfaction with the self-service voice prompts available to members dropped from 88% of respondents being happy or very happy in 2021 to 76% in 2023. In 2023, 75% of respondents believe that the call centre staff were able to give the information that one requires, against 88% of what respondents reported in 2021. There was also a decrease noticed in terms of the number of respondents who strongly agreed that the call centre staff were professional, reporting 54% being very happy in 2023, against 62% in 2021.
These results in terms of the administration services were shared with the administrator and will continue to be monitored by the trustees as part of future survey results and complaints or escalations received.
Member feedback
Ways in which benefit offerings could be changed to better satisfy member needs, respondents felt that the Scheme could improve their benefits in general, as well as improve on the medication and services not covered. A further 20% of respondents said that the Scheme should improve their cost to benefit ratio. Only 4% mentioned improvement of optometry benefits. Hospital benefits, general practitioner benefits and day-to-day medication benefits was ranked highest of importance and satisfactory ratings.
- Among Comprehensive Option respondents, 5% mentioned greater day-to-day benefits and 7% mentioned improving benefits in general.
- Among Classic Option respondents, 6% wanted greater dentistry benefits, 9% mentioned greater day-to-day benefits and 9% mentioned improving benefit in general.
- Standard Option respondents mostly referred to general practitioner and specialist benefits availability in their responses. In general, most respondents were happy or very happy with the benefits, which is a positive result for the Scheme.
The results from the survey conducted were considered by the Board of Trustees at a recent strategy session and, where necessary, will receive the required attention and focus with the aim to improve member experience.
Thanks to each member who has participated in the 2023 member survey. We appreciate your feedback and commitment towards making Remedi a place where your health is our main priority.
Source: Remedi Greenfields Research 2023 member survey