Understanding medical schemes and how they work

Remedi Medical Aid Scheme purchases its administration and managed care services from the administrator, Discovery Health (Pty) Ltd.

While medical schemes are non-profit trusts, they still have a responsibility to manage funds to meet all regulatory and member needs. The Board of Trustees of a medical scheme determines the approach to administrative functions, benefit structures and contribution increases.

A quick view of the different functions of Remedi Medical Aid Scheme and Discovery Health

This quick-reference card shows the structure of Discovery Health (DH) and its independent relationship with Remedi Medical Aid Scheme.

Remedi Medical Aid Scheme Discovery Health
  • Remedi Medical Aid Scheme is a non-profit organisation that pools all members’ contributions to fund members’ claims
  • Remedi Medical Aid Scheme is a restricted-access medical scheme for a number of associated employer groups.
  • Remedi Medical Aid Scheme is independent from Discovery Health.
  • Remedi Medical Aid Scheme pays Discovery Health a fee for the services they render to the scheme.
  • Discovery Health is 100% owned by Discovery Limited.
  • Discovery Health provides administration and managed care services to medical schemes.
  • It is referred to as the ‘administrator’ of the medical scheme.
  • Discovery Health currently administers 19 closed medical schemes, including Remedi Medical Aid Scheme, and one open medical scheme.
  • Discovery Health manages the benefits of all these medical schemes and receives an administration fee to provide services to the schemes and their members.
  • Discovery Health is independent from the schemes it administers.

Jaco Janse van Vuuren is the Principal Officer of Remedi Medical Aid Scheme. (A Principal Officer is the equivalent to being the CEO of a medical scheme).

‘Remedi Medical Aid Scheme’ is duly registered with the Council for Medical Schemes (CMS). Remedi Medical Aid Scheme only conducts business in the Republic of South Africa.

Dr Ryan Noach is the CEO of Discovery Health.

‘Discovery Health’ is a registered administrator of medical schemes.

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