We've stopped using claim boxes

You might have noticed an empty spot where the Remedi claims boxes used to be. This isn't a mistake or because the box got stolen; it's because we've decided to stop using claim boxes.

We took the boxes away because people weren't using them

Everything changed when the COVID-19 pandemic started. We started wearing masks and avoiding touching shared objects and surfaces. People also started using digital tools (like the Remedi website, the Remedi app and email) instead of dropping claims in the claim boxes.

Since the claim boxes weren't being used often anymore, we decided to stop using them.

How to send us claims instead

When you visit a doctor, a pharmacy or any healthcare provider, ask them if they will send us the claim or if you have to pay them first and then claim back from Remedi. You only have to send us a claim if you have already paid the whole account and you want us to pay you back.

How to claim:

  • If you have a smartphone
    Use the Remedi app to submit your claim. You can use your phone camera to take a photo of your account statement.
  • If you have access to the internet
    Scan your account statement and send it to us through the website (www.yourremedi.co.za) or email it to claims@yourremedi.co.za.
  • If you don't have internet access
    Post your claims to Remedi: PostNet Suite 116, Private Bag X19, Milnerton 7435 or PO Box 652509, Benmore 2010.
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