Personal Protection Equipment (PPE)

Assisting with personal protection equipment

At a national level, funded by the Solidarity Fund and with the required level of expertise, a sophisticated initiative is underway to source, store and distribute the necessary Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) required by health professionals on the frontline of battling the COVID-19 outbreak. A well-developed process is in place for receiving requests and distributing this PPE to the public sector and private corporate facilities such as hospitals. No such process exists for general practitioners (GPs) in private practice, who are at the coal face of this pandemic.

In collaboration with SAMA and the UFFP, Discovery Health is establishing a process whereby GPs can submit requests for required PPE and be matched with distributers who have the necessary stock. This process will also protect GPs from “price gouging” which is unfortunately a current reality.

B4SA Announcement of Wholesaler Partnerships to channel PPE to community-based healthcare workers

Through our representation on the B4SA Public Health Workgroup, in collaboration with the healthcare professional representative bodies and a broad business alliance, we are very pleased to inform you that this workgroup has launched an initiative to increase your access to affordable PPE.

In addition, the Discovery Fund has approved a grant of R2 million towards the provision of PPE to NGOs in primary healthcare settings.

We know that this will be of value to you in your ongoing battle on the “front lines” of this campaign and we again thank you for your selfless efforts in this regard, which we hugely appreciate.

Look for our suppliers list of GP networks for Personal Protection Equipment.

Please note that the above list of possible suppliers is meant to aid in providing a consolidated list of PPE suppliers for General Practitioners. We are unable to guarantee stock, quality or pricing from suppliers listed.

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