Use your prevention and screening benefit

It's a good idea to use your preventative and screening benefits, even if you don't have any health concerns. You can do your screening tests at any relevant healthcare provider and the Scheme will pay at 100% of the Scheme rate for the test codes. If you can catch a chronic condition and get treatment for it before you feel the effects of the condition, you can manage the condition appropriately before it progresses or gets worse.

If you can pick up a chronic condition, don't forget to register it as soon as possible to make sure that your diagnostic tests, consultations and medication for this condition can be paid from a dedicated benefit instead of your day-to-day benefits.

Check on your Benefit Guide which chronic conditions we fund. You have dedicated screening and prevention tests you can do that are covered by the Scheme.

Your prevention benefit covers:

  • Vaccinations for high-risk individuals and children
  • Seasonal flu vaccines
  • Childhood vaccines for children up to six years
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine
  • Pneumococcal vaccine

Your screening benefit covers a specific set of tests:

  • Blood sugar
  • Blood pressure 
  • Cholesterol
  • Body mass index (BMI)

To use this benefit, complete your tests at a pharmacy in the Wellness Network of Pharmacies. To find a pharmacy in the Wellness Network log on to > Find a healthcare professional and search for the pharmacy in your area.

We also cover these additional screening tests:

  • Mammograms - One test every two years 
  • Pap smears - One test every three years
  • Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) - 1 PSA test once every 3 years
  • HIV test
More information about the Chronic Illness Benefit

This benefit gives you cover for medicine for conditions where ongoing medicine is necessary.

No other medical scheme in the country offers a chronic medicine benefit as extensive and easy to access as we do. The cover we give includes a list of 27 conditions (known as the Prescribed Minimum Benefit (PMB), conditions on the Chronic Disease List (CDL) and Additional Disease List (ADL) conditions as determined and covered by UKZN Medical Scheme.

You must apply by sending us a Chronic Illness Benefit application form which needs to be completed by your doctor. We will then let you know whether we have approved your cover. If approved, you can claim from this benefit.

Please be on the lookout for information pertaining to the UKZNMS wellness days.

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