Your support for mental health

The pandemic affected everyone's mental health. Even if you remained physically healthy, the stress of lockdown alert levels, changing regulations and worrying about health and finances affected your mental health.

According to the World Health Organization, during the COVID-19 pandemic it has become 25% more common for people worldwide to have anxiety, or depression. There's nothing to be ashamed of if you're one of these people.

Just like anyone can get COVID-19 (a physical disease), anyone can have a mental illness like depression or anxiety. And you have cover for treatment for mental and physical health.

Mental health is as real as physical health

The brain is an organ just like your lungs or heart. This means illness can also be in the brain. Only a trained professional like a doctor can diagnose mental illness. This is because different conditions have different signs and symptoms. Only a doctor can decide if you, or a loved one, is just stressed or has clinical depression.

Take emotional pain as seriously as physical pain and see a doctor if you need to. You can also help by encouraging loved ones to visit a GP or psychologist, if you suspect that something's wrong.

Any illness needs medical treatment

You need a doctor to diagnose physical and mental health conditions so you know what treatment you need. Just like you need antibiotics to recover if a doctor diagnoses you with bronchitis, you also need treatment for mental illness.

Your cover for episodes of depression

You have cover for episodes of depression. To get access to the benefits offered in the Mental Health Care Programme, you must visit a Premier Plus GP or a psychologist who is part of our Mental Health Care Programme.

They will talk to you about your symptoms. If they diagnose you with depression, they will register you on the Mental Health Care Programme and the Scheme will pay for the following treatment without using the available money in your Medical Savings Account:

  • Up to three visits to the Premier Plus GP or psychologist who registered you
  • If the GP or psychologist thinks it's necessary, we pay for you to visit a network psychiatrist
  • Sessions of talk therapy (psychotherapy)
  • If a GP registered you, we also pay for medicine to treat depression
How to find a Premier Plus GP

Log in to, click on DOCTOR VISITS and then search for a network provider under GP and specialist designated service provider (DSP) network search facilities. Otherwise, call us on 0860 100 421.

Your cover for bipolar mood disorder and schizophrenia
Visiting a GP and getting diagnosed is the first step towards better mental health. If they refer you and a psychiatrist diagnoses you with a lasting mental illness like bipolar mood disorder or schizophrenia, ask them to register you on the Chronic Illness Benefit. Once you're registered, the Chronic Illness Benefit covers the medicine you need to take to manage your condition, and treatment in your psychiatrist's office or in a hospital.

World Health Organization. COVID-19 pandemic triggers 25% increase in prevalence of anxiety and depression worldwide, 2 March 2022.

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