Small actions, big results: Help your clients achieve their health goals

Willpower, dieting and workouts have become a yearly mantra for many of us, but year after year we quickly lose the will, get tired of the restrictions and stop going to gym.

But you can be part of the solution by helping your clients commit to healthy lifestyle changes that won’t feel like unattainable goals.

  1. Help them break their resolutions into smaller goals
    Objectives should always be accompanied by achievable and measurable goals – a smaller checkpoint your clients can complete along the way to help them stay on the right track. Ticking off these smaller goals helps to keep them motivated so each day, they’re one step closer to achieving their main resolution.
  2. Encourage them to team up with the right people.
    Help your clients find facilities where they would meet like-minded people who can help or even partner with them on their journey. From runners to golfers to gym-bunnies, Discovery Vitality has a range of great health and fitness partners to suit all kinds of preferences.

Click here to see the latest campaigns on Campaigns Direct under Discovery Vitality that you can use to connect with your Discovery Vitality clients and help them make 2017 a greater year of success for their health.


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