Discovery members get online with us more and more

As the world moves to talk, transact and engage more and more online, businesses too are investing in digital solutions for their clients. At Discovery, we are also working hard to offer our clients the best digital tools to help make their lives easier. And it’s working! More than 8.3 million people visited our website during the past financial year, an increase of almost a million to the previous year. 

Our Discovery app is also proving to be popular, with total app downloads exceeding the 700 000 milestone in May this year and the number of people using it every month, increasing by 143% from last year. More encouraging is how often people are using it. On average, people use the app every second day, making it more used than banking apps.  Vitality Active Rewards has played an important part in how our clients engage with the app and is a good example of  how the physical and digital worlds merge to fulfil a purpose – in this case to help people be more active.

During the year, we looked at adding new tools and content to our website and app.  One of these tools is the Reward Partners section on the website. We found that the variety of reward partners we offer across the Discovery businesses can be confusing for clients. The Reward Partners tool aims to give clients one view of all the partners and shows at a glance which partners apply to which products. Apart from helping to make our clients’ lives easier, this tool has a second objective. In the world of Google search, making sure our products and services rank first or close to first, is first prize! With our Rewards Partner tool, we aim to rank second after the partner site when people search for the partner on Google. This helps to attract more visitors and potential clients to our site.  Since adding this to our website a month ago, we’ve already seen more than 20 000 visitors to this page!

We’re very excited about the potential of our digital tools and we are already hard at work at the next set of developments. Watch this space for a new Discovery website coming soon!


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