Earn points and improve your driving

To earn DQ Points you need to drive well, improve your driving knowledge and awareness and make sure your car is safer to drive.

By taking active steps to improve your driving, you can earn DQ Points and qualify for greater Vitalitydrive rewards.


Earn DQ Points by improving your driving

You can earn up to 850 DQ Points a month based on how well you drive. DQ-Track measures your driving behaviour in real time and awards you a Driver performance score. This helps you see how well you’ve been driving and where you need to improve.

Reduce your harsh braking, acceleration, cornering, speeding, late night driving (23:00 to 4:30) and the distance you travel to improve your Driver performance score. You can also access our online tool, DQ Mapper, to see information about your previous trips. If you install the smartphone-enabled DQ-Track, you will earn DQ Points based on your cellphone use while driving.

You can also earn DQ Points for reaching your personal goals and for your Discovery Insure claim free years:

Opportunity Monthly DQ Points
Driver performance score Up to 850
Personal goals 50
One Discovery Insure claim free year 25
Two Discovery Insure claim free years 75
Three or more Discovery Insure claim free years 200

Earn DQ Points by improving your driving knowledge and awareness

Improve your driving knowledge and awareness by completing the Online driver assessment once a year and earn 50 DQ Points for the next 12 months.

Complete one of the Discovery Insure driving courses to improve your driving and awareness on the road. Skilful driving will help keep you and your family safe on the road. You have the option of completing a course with one of our expert training providers or our online course. You can earn up to 150 DQ Points a month for 24 months.

Improve your visual skills and visual awareness skills through regular EyeGym training. You can earn up to 150 DQ Points per month for 12 months.

Opportunity Monthly DQ Points
Online driver assessment 50 for 12 months
Driving courses Up to 150 for 24 months
EyeGym: Primary course Up to 50 for 12 months
EyeGym: Advanced course Up to 100 for 12 months

Earn DQ Points by making sure your vehicle is safer to drive

Take your motor vehicle to Tiger Wheel & Tyre for an Annual MultiPoint check to make sure it’s safer to drive. Tiger Wheel & Tyre will check, for example, your vehicle’s tyres, windscreen wipers, lights, indicators, hazards, seatbelts, steering, hooter and shocks. Your vehicle’s service history will also be checked to see if it’s up to date.

You’ll earn 100 DQ Points for passing the check and an extra 50 DQ Points for having an up-to-date service history.

Opportunity Monthly DQ Points
Passing the Tiger Wheel & Tyre Annual MultiPoint check 100 for 12 months
Service history up to date 50 for 12 months




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