Live well and reap the rewards

When social media mega star Kim Kardashian decided to drop her baby weight after giving birth to her second child, she did it by embarking on a total wellness journey. This meant early morning workouts that included boxing with her sisters and following a kilojoule-controlled diet plan that focuses on lean meat and greens, and was overseen by a nutritionist. The result? She lost 30 kilograms and claims to have more energy than ever before, an essential if you're a busy mom of two.

While Kim committed to a complete lifestyle shift, you don't have to go to extremes to look after your health and wellness. There are lots of little things you can do, be it setting the alarm clock an hour earlier three times a week to take a jog around the block or cutting back on nutrition-poor, processed junk foods. Making an effort, in any way, to take good care of your health will always serve up its own rewards, and if you're a Discovery Life client, you could get rewarded financially too. In fact, qualifying clients can enjoy upfront and ongoing discounts for managing their health and wellness.

The power of Integration

If you're a member of Discovery Health and Vitality you can enjoy an initial premium discount of up to 32%. There's also the PayBack benefit that can see you get up to 50% of your premiums paid back to you depending on how well you manage your health. Suddenly adding a scoop of omega-rich chai seeds to your yoghurt every morning or investing in a wearable fitness device to track your exercise makes just as much sense for your bank balance as it does for your health.

As far as payouts go, you can choose how you'd like to receive them annually for the first ten years and every five years thereafter, or simply every five years.

The rewards keep coming

PayBack aside, Discovery Life also offers a Cash Conversion benefit that converts your healthy lifestyle choices into cash in retirement. With so many easy ways to live a healthier lifestyle, be it going for potentially life-saving tests like a Pap smear or colonoscopy, or simply adding more leafy greens to your shopping trolley, getting benefits is easier than you'd think.

In short, it really does pay to maintain and improve your health with Discovery Life. If you're not currently taking advantage of the benefits of Integration, make sure you click here for more information or speak to your financial adviser.


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