Are you an emotional eater? Take our nutrition quiz to find out

If you often turn to food when you’re upset or stressed, you could be an emotional eater. This can lead to eating too much, especially too many high-calorie foods, and can sabotage weight-loss efforts and healthy living goals.

Take a few minutes to answer the following questions:

  1. Do you regularly treat yourself to fast food or snack food (like a chocolate bar or packet of chips) after a stressful day?
  2. Do you reach for food even when you’re not hungry?
  3. Do you tend to overeat when you’re feeling stressed, excited, or upset?
  4. Do you find yourself unable to resist eating when you’re around sweet, salty, or high-fat food?
  5. Is ‘comfort food’ a term that you refer to?
  6. Do you tend to celebrate big occasions with eating (such as going for drinks or out for dinner)?

If you answered ‘yes’ to at least three of the questions above, you might be prone to emotional eating. Here are some steps you can take to regain control of your eating habits.

Break the cycle of emotional eating

  1. Identify your triggers
    • Use a food and mood diary: write down what upset you and what you ate, and how you felt before and after eating. Look back to see a pattern emerge, helping you to identify what triggers your emotional eating.

  2. Find alternatives to eating
    • Call someone who makes you feel better, play with a pet, dance to your favourite song, go for a walk, take a bath, take up a hobby, or read a book. These are some great ways to distract yourself so the urge to indulge passes.

  3. Pause when cravings hit
    • When a craving hits, put off eating for at least five minutes. While waiting, ask yourself how you are feeling. If you do end up eating, you will have a better understanding as to why you did which can help set up a different response the next time.

  4. Choose healthy lifestyle habits
    • Developing healthy lifestyle habits like getting active outdoors will help get you through difficult times without the need to turn to food.

We want to encourage you to make healthier choices with these motivational tools:

  •  HealthyFood offers up to 25% cash back on healthy food items at Pick n Pay or Woolworths. If you haven’t already, simply activate now.
  • Vitality members save 30% off membership when joining a 12-week programme at Weight Watchers S.A. If you join this month you’ll also qualify for a special offer valid until 30 August!
  • You get 30% off at Weigh-Less to help you shed unwanted winter kilos and learn about adopting a healthier outlook on food.

If you’ve tried self-help options but still struggle to change unhealthy eating habits, visit a dietitian in the Vitality Wellness Network to better understand the motivations behind your eating and start on a path to a healthier relationship with food.

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