Eat smart this holiday season with these great tips on how to stay healthy while you’re away!

We know that counting costs over the festive season can often lead to consuming more processed foods, drinks and snacks. But there's no need to compromise on quality, flavour or abundance this festive season if you're on a budget. Here are some guidelines to help you eat well and inexpensively, any time of the year!

Plan your meals

  • Plan your menu for the week – make a shopping list and stick to it. Make a point to only buy what you know you’re going to use. This will keep you from ending up throwing away a lot of what you buy.
  • Planning your menu and grocery list for the festive season ahead of time helps you maximise your ingredients and makes it easier to avoid buying unhealthy items on impulse.
  • Cook meals in bulk and freeze them so you can use these meals instead of ready-made convenience options. This is also a great way to have a little extra for any unexpected guests who arrive during your family meals.

Fruit and vegetables

  • For the best prices and flavour, buy fruit and vegetables that are in season from local sources. See our list of seasonal favourites here.
  • Purchase fresh fruits and vegetables by the bag, not by the piece, as a cost-effective option.
  • Add plant-based proteins to meat dishes to increase the volume of the meal, such as adding lentils to savoury mince.
  • When you choose your fresh produce, take the pack that is furthest from the expiry date to make sure it lasts longer. Fresher produce is usually packed at the back of the shelf and the older stock in the front.
  • Grow your own herbs. Fresh herbs add amazing flavour to even the simplest dish but they can be quite pricy at the supermarket. Growing herbs at home is inexpensive, easy and ensures that you always have them available.

Fish, poultry and meat

  • The health benefits of oily fish have long been praised because of its healthy fats along with being an excellent source of protein. The average person needs at least two servings of oily fish every week. Replace meat with fish to eat healthier while also saving money. Try mackerel, for example, which is a cheaper option than salmon or trout. The best thing about mackerel is that it’s always in season.
  • Eggs are another affordable good-quality protein to choose. The egg yolk contains various vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids that you need in your diet.
  • Replace ground beef with ground turkey or chicken which are good replacements in most recipes. Ground turkey is moist and is mild in flavour, so it’s good to mix in other flavour elements like fresh herbs, onion or unsalted spices to jazz it up.
  • Ready-to-cook meat (for example marinated, boneless meat) is far more expensive than plain meat, and can also be high in fat and salt. Buy your meat plain. Then skin, de-bone and season at home.
  • Plan two or more meatless meals every week. Vegetables tend to cost less than meat, so try adding more vegetables to your meat-based meals. The meat will go further, which will save you money and help you cut down on saturated fat at the same time.
  • Buy cheaper lean cuts of meat that are great to use in casseroles, soups, stews and stir fries. Less-expensive cuts of meat are great for making big meals and getting lots of leftovers.

Pantry supplies

  • Keep your pantry stocked: You might find it easier to cook creatively if you have an inspiring pantry. Dry spices and rubs (choose ones with no added salt), lemon juice, chili, garlic, olive oil and vinegar are great staples.
  • Canned legumes, like beans, lentils and chickpeas, are inexpensive and there’s a wide variety to choose from. They are great for livening up and adding nutrition to everything from casseroles and stews to salads.
  • Look out for bulk specials on items like canned and dried legumes, canned fish, raw, unsalted nuts or high-fibre cereal.

Save money on HealthyFood from Pick n Pay and Woolworths

If you haven’t yet activated the HealthyFood benefit, activate it today to get cash back and enjoy savings each time you invest in your health with nutrient-rich foods. The HealthyFood benefit offers members up to 25% cash back on healthy food items at Pick n Pay or Woolworths. And this holiday season, remember – eating inexpensively doesn't limit you to mostly processed foods. A little planning and prioritising can ensure you eat well, staying within budget!

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