“The thought of one day being able to compete in a triathlon motivated me to take the proverbial plunge!”

Wayne Willmore, Discovery ambassador for the World Triathlon series, has always been sporty. So, when the opportunity arose, in the form of the Discovery World Triathlon Cape Town, he took it. Wayne has been training with Embark in Cape Town for several weeks now. We checked in with him to see how his training is going, what he’s learned, and how he feels about his up-coming challenge.

What were you most excited about going into training?

Believe it or not, I was excited to get into a training programme where you are pushed to your limits. The thought of one day being able to compete in a triathlon motivated me to take the proverbial plunge!

What were you most nervous about?

That I was completely unfit! I had been running with a club, so I wasn’t perturbed about the running. I thought that I’d be OK with the cycling, but the swimming was going to be a bit of a tough one. I had obtained provincial colours for swimming at school, but haven’t been swimming fit for many years!

How has committing to finishing your first triathlon changed your life so far?

My life has changed completely. Our training schedule is quite hectic, with only one rest day a week. This takes quite a bit of planning and scheduling, so everything in my life has to be scheduled around my training.

Have you made any changes to your lifestyle since starting training?

Diet has been the biggest change. Initially, I didn’t make much of a change, but noticed that my progress was not as good as I’d hoped it would be. In our first meeting with Embark, we were told how important diet would become. You need to fuel your body correctly to get the most out of each session. 

How has your exercise routine changed?

Previously my running training was done as part of a social group where I could be as competitive as I liked. I knew this was going to be different when I attended the Embark orientation at the Discovery Store in Sea Point. One of the other novices asked what the cut off times were, and if our training would ensure that we’d finish. We were told in no uncertain terms that we’re training to do well, so finishing just within cut off was not an option. Training is intense with constant guidance and coaching. I was now training to race, not just finish!

What improvements have you noticed as a result of your training?

The most noticeable change has definitely been physical. I still feel that I have quite a way to go, so I’m very excited to keep going. The physical change is definitely a good motivation to keep going.  Mentally I’ve had a major shift in the right direction. The amount of focus required to compete is immense! 

What have you learned about each discipline that you can share with other novices?

For running, make sure your posture is correct and that you think about every stride to avoid injury. Our coach says to elongate your body and use your core. In swimming, learn to breathe on both sides. You need to be able to view the competitors and environment around you. With cycling, the tip that saved me was learning how to handle hills. Dropping your heels slightly helps you make full use of your legs.

What other lessons have you learned through your training that you can pass on to others who are doing a triathlon for the first time?

Make sure that you have time to stick to training daily. Join a training programme and get targeted training with advice in all disciplines. Training on your own can be daunting.

Have there been any drawbacks to your new lifestyle?

There are a few issues that could have been drawbacks; but how could anything that improves your life be negative? I think we too often focus on a drawback instead of seeing it as an opportunity to develop yourself. 

What is your goal for the Discovery WTS CT?

When I started, my goal was to finish. Now, my goal is to do well; for my coach, my team, and my sponsors. Importantly, I need to do this for myself as well. I want to finish with a good time in my age group, and I want to know I’ve done all I could to get the desired result!

Where will you take your triathlon training?

Definitely Iron Man 70.3! I’ve entered for 2016 and looking forward to continuing with my training.

Take the plunge; enter the Discovery World Triathlon Cape Town here.

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